April news from the LAC Group

This month the LAC Group, chaired by Steve Elliott, pictured, held a very positive meeting with the Princes' Trust.

Looked-after children are a priority for the Trust and we’re now going to formalise our links with them to support our work with Looked After Children. This will involve developing a Service Level Agreement to provide access to some of the programmes run by the Trust.

We’re continuing to build positive working relationships with members of the Wrexham Youth Justice Team who deal with the large numbers of young people in care homes in the Wrexham area. Together we’re working to help cut offending rates, first-time offending and the time young people spend in custody.

Collaboration with the Youth Justice Team on training they could offer to young people in care homes is a possible next step.

Cardiff University students undertaking dissertation research on the topic of looked-after children have firmed up their research areas which they will work on over the summer. The topics include:

– how the quality of support for looked-after children can affect outcomes;
– access to ‘life-story work’ for older children;
– the link between placement stability and outcomes.

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