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13th May 2013

Call by GPs to screen carers for depression

The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has said that unpaid carers should be screened for depression - and that more should be done to improve the support and services available to them.

The doctors' leaders say an estimated one in 20 patients is providing unpaid care - the charity Carers UK says 6.4 million people are currently caring for an older relative, disabled family member or sick friend.

And they say about 40 per cent of carers are at risk of depression or stress because of their role - and that a general screening 'test' asking them about their mood and mental well-being would help ensure carers' needs are met.

Check-list drawn up to help identify carers' needs

The RCGP has drawn up a list aimed at clinical commissioning groups and GPs that plan health care to ensure carers' needs are met. The points include:

  • Improve GP access by allocating routine appointments and vaccinations at convenient times for carers
  • Appoint a carers' "champion" in all GP surgeries
  • Maintain a carers' register within the GP practice
  • Carry out audits to measure improvements in carer support

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