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2nd September 2014

Poll highlights worries over care in old age in England

A YouGov poll of almost 4,700 people in England shows only a quarter have faith that they will receive proper care in their old age.

The research was carried out for a coalition of charities and voluntary organisations involved in working with older people.

The poll shows that voters currently rank the care of older people second in importance - health and the NHS come top - as an issue when it comes to casting a vote in the 2015 general election.

Richard Hawkes, chairman of the Care and Support Alliance, said: “Care is well and truly an election issue. The message from the public is loud and unambiguous. It’s a real vote of no confidence.

"They are worried about who will care for them or their loved ones, if they can no longer do basic things for themselves. Above all they want the Government to invest more money in the system," he added.

Care in old age: how good will it be?

The YouGov poll revealed:

  • One third of the population in England relies on the care system in some way (either for themselves or a relative)
  • Only 27 per cent are confident that they or a loved one would receive adequate help with basic tasks such as washing and getting out of bed
  • The confidence people have in the system drops sharply the older people get with almost three quarters of over-60s saying they do not have faith that the care system will enable them to maintain a good quality of life as they get older

For the full story see:

Daily Telegraph: Only one in four have faith in system to care for them in old age

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