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29th October 2014

Dementia leading cause of women's deaths in England and Wales, statistics show

Dementia is the leading cause of death among women in England and Wales for the second consecutive year, according to statistics released by the Office for National Statistics.

The disease now far outstrips breast cancer as a cause of death and causes thousands more deaths than heart attacks or strokes.

The statistics released on October 29 also show dementia as the third most common cause of death among men in England and Wales. Coronary heart disease remains the leading male killer but dementia deaths are also on the rise among men.

In the decade from 2003 to 2013 dementia deaths rose to 6% of male deaths, up from 2%, and to 12% of female deaths, up from 5%.

The ONS says this could be partly due to better diagnosis by doctors. More people are also surviving heart attacks and living longer. Its report stated: "Some of the rise over the last few decades may also be attributable to a better understanding of dementia. This means that doctors may be more likely to record dementia as the underlying cause of death."

Hilary Evans, director of external affairs at Alzheimer's Research UK said: "The figures highlight dementia as a huge problem that we cannot shy away from any longer.

"Encouragingly, the statistics reveal that other health conditions, such as heart disease, are beginning to be tamed and this has come about due to improved research into treatment, prevention and better public health.

"We must now turn our attentions to dementia - our greatest health challenge - and invest in research that will drive better prevention and treatment of the condition," she added.

Dementia deaths on the rise in England and Wales

BBC News: Dementia is leading cause of death for women

See the ONS report in full (PDF)



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