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18th November 2016

Minister publishes guidance for local authorities

New guidance published by Minister for Social Services and Public Health Rebecca Evans will help to evaluate 'how the Social Services and Well-being Act is having a real, positive, impact on people’s lives'.

The minister has published the new approach for all local authorities in Wales as part of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, which came into force in April 2016 and places a focus on well-being and on how services can help people and their carers, achieve what matters to them.

Minister Rebecca Evans, said: “The Social Services and Well-being Act signalled a transformation of care and support here in Wales. It truly puts people who need care and support, and carers who need support, at the very heart of the social care system and ensures they are involved in all the decisions which affect them.

“The guidance I have published will help to evaluate how the act is having a real, positive impact on people’s lives. It will empower people, together with their local authorities, to identify and improve the progress they are making towards achieving the things that matter to them – for example staying independent in their own homes or living safely with their families."

The guidance is available on the Welsh Government website.

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