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15th February 2017

Concerns over economy and Brexit overshadow social care worries, survey finds

A new survey published today (February 15, 2017) has found the general public put social care only ninth among a list of concerns including Brexit, immigration, housing, unemployment and education.

The NHS is still a major concern for the public but social care - despite being continuously in the news - ranks further down the list and appears to remain a low priority for people.

The January 2017 Ipsos MORI/Economist Issues Index shows increasing public concern about the NHS, with almost half (49%) of the British public considering it to be one of the biggest issues facing Britain.

Brexit leads when the public are asked to name the single biggest issue facing Britain. On this measure, 27% of the public cite Brexit, and 17% say the NHS. 

Ipsos MORI carried out face-to-face interviews with 970 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain between the 13th and 26th January 2017.

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