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10th February 2010

Carers to get recognition and support under WAG proposals

Wales’ estimated 350,000 unpaid carers are to get greater support and recognition under new proposals from the Welsh Assembly Government.

The Carers Measure will mean NHS and Local Authority staff are required to consult with carers who look after elderly or ill family members about changes to the care services they provide, says Deputy Minister for Social Services, Gwenda Thomas.

Staff will also have to a duty to support carers by providing accessible, relevant and up-to-date information and advice.

The minister outlined the proposals to improve the lives of unpaid carers, including young carers, in the Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure at the end of January.

The proposed Measure covers services including social services, housing and education provided by the NHS and local authorities. It also applies to directly provided services or contracted out services, such as GP services contracted to Health Boards.

Gwenda Thomas said: “I am delighted to introduce this proposed Carers Measure. I know and appreciate the enormous contribution carers make to the people they care for, and more broadly to our communities.

“This proposed Measure addresses some of the most important concerns carers and carers organisations have shared with me over the years,” she added.

Roz Williamson, director of Carers Wales, said: “Carers often have to struggle to get the help they need and have fought long and hard for greater support and recognition.

“The Measure recognises the true value of the contribution that the 350,000 unpaid carers make to society in Wales. It will be an important step in ensuring carers get the practical and emotional help they need.”

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