Finding a Care Provider
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Darllenwch yn Gymraeg
If you’re new to the business of finding a care provider – whether it’s residential care for an elderly person or finding extra help so a family member can stay living in their own home – it can be a confusing process, so we've put together a quick guide to the types of care available.
- Read our Care Category Guide below
Will I need to pay for care?
Most people will need to pay towards care homes costs if their income and capital exceeds £22,000*.
*April 2008 figure for residents in Wales; source Age Concern Cymru, fact sheet 10.
But local authorities or the NHS can sometimes help with costs if needs are health-based.
Make sure you contact your local council’s social services department for a full assessment of your needs before paying for care.
Where can I get more information about choosing care homes?
- Check out Age UK’s helpful Care Home Checklist
- Read the Welsh Government’s guide on choosing a care home
What questions should I ask the care provider?
- Ask to see a copy of their latest CSSIW inspection report
- Ask about staff qualifications – at least half of the care staff should have NVQs in health and social care
- Find out about staff turnover – a high turnover could mean it’s not a well-run facility
- Check health and safety and first aid training certificates are on display (and up to date)
- Make sure you can see clearly displayed policies and procedures for staff
- Ask to see evidence that risk assessments are regularly undertaken
- Ask about staffing ratios – a minimum guide is one full-time care staff to eight residents
- Night staff numbers may be lower – find out if there are on-call management staff (there should be)
- Ask about double rooms for couples – and rooms for visiting family members
- What additional services are included (or not) – e.g. laundry, visiting hairdresser and chiropodist; visiting medical staff such as local GPs; TVs in rooms; call bells; phones in rooms; visits to local attractions and classes or other entertainment.
Who’s who in the care sector
CSSIW (Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales)
Regulates and inspects care homes in Wales – and local authority social services departments
01443 848450
Leading charity for older people in Wales – work includes fundraising, research and campaigning on older people’s issues
08000 223 444
Help for people living with and caring for people with dementia
National Dementia Helpline
Run by the Alzheimer’s Society
0300 222 1122
Working to make sure older people’s homes in Wales are safe, secure and appropriate to their needs
029 2067 4830
The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales
Working to safeguard the rights of older people in Wales
08442 640670 (standard rate) or 029 2044 5030 (Iocal no.)
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
For information about local voluntary groups offering help and advice for carers
Care Category Guide

Children and young people's care
Care provision for children and young people in either a domicillary or residential setting.

Dementia care
Care provision for dementa sufferers in either a domicillary or residential setting.

Domiciliary/supported living care
Care to enable someone to live with help in their own home. Contact your local council’s Social Services department for an assessment of needs – from cleaning and help with washing or dressing to medical help. Note: Getting an assessment is a useful step whatever the type of care you’re looking for. It will pinpoint specific needs and services which can help you identify a care provider.

Education and training
Training companies who provide training for providers withing the health and social care.

Extra care
Accommodation with care support for people who prefer to live independently.

Hospice care
Care provision for the terminally ill.

Learning disability care
Care provision for people with learning disabilities

Mental health care
Care provision for people with mental health problems.

Nursing care
Nursing care provision for people with nursing requirements.

Physical disability care
Care provision for people with physical disabilities.

Residential care for adults or children
Managed care facilities staffed either by qualified care workers or social workers. Contact your council’s Social Services for a needs assessment and to find out if a person is entitled to state help in paying for their care. It will be able to provide a list of council-funded care homes – or find a list of private residential care providers using our care provider search tool.
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