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1st March 2010

Care Forum Wales announce Framework of Services for Older People Events across Wales


As part of the Framework of Services for Older People, the Welsh Assembly Government has asked Care Forum Wales to arrange a series of events across Wales to inform members of the changes to the Services for Older People.

The Framework of Services for Older People will promote the development of the appropriate range of local services working together to respond to the needs and the preferences of older people and their carers. These services should help them to continue or return to live at home or in a homely environment as independently as possible. Independence means either caring for oneself as much as possible or when practical assistance is required, it is based on the older person’s own choices and aspirations.  This applies equally to those people who fund their own care as well as those whose care is funded by the local authority or NHS.

 The idea behind the Framework is to encourage Local Authorities and their partners to develop a comprehensive range of effective local services designed to support older people at home or in a homely environment.

Older people want local services which are sufficiently robust to help them and their families cope with crises and emergencies with the minimum of disruption avoiding inappropriate admissions to hospital or residential care and facilitating a smooth transition between services.


 Your participation in these events is greatly needed to help shape the services of the future.

 To secure your place at these events click here to download booking form and return as soon as possilbe. We strongly recommend that you attend these very important FREE events.

 Click here to download  information leaflet relating to the Framework and Care Forum Wales response to this consultation.  If you require any further information please do not hesitate to call.

 To download Care Forum Wales reponse to this initiative click here

 To view the full details of the initiative click here


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