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17th July 2014

AMs pass declaration of rights for older people

Wales has set out its stall as a leading supporter of the rights of older people with the official adoption of a Declaration of Rights of Older People.

The Declaration received cross-party support in the Senedd and was formally adopted on July 16. The Deputy Minister for Social Services, Gwenda Thomas, called the Declaration "another world-leading step for Wales in the drive for equality and human rights".

Sarah Rochira, the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, said: "The Declaration will remind our public services about the rights that older people have, illustrating in a practical way what this means on a day-to-day basis for older people and their duties around supporting and engaging effectively with older people across Wales. It also provides a clear framework and standard that can be used by older people themselves to ensure that they receive the support and services they need to live fulfilled independent lives."

Declaration aims to make sure older people fully understand their rights

The aim of the Declaration is to make sure that older people are more aware of their rights, helping them understand their rights more effectively and how they relate to current equality and human rights laws in Wales.

It will also help those responsible for the development and delivery of public services, by making clear how they can support and engage effectively with older people across Wales.

The Declaration is based on the UN Principles for Older Persons and sets out what older people have said they value and what rights they feel would support and protect them as follows:

  • I have the right to be who I am
  • I have the right to be valued
  • I have free will and the right to make decisions about my life
  • I have the right to decide where I live, how I live and with whom I live
  • I have the right to work, develop, participate and contribute
  • I have a right to safety, security and justice

More on this story

Read the full Declaration (link to PDF document)

Welsh Government announces a 'world first for Wales'

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